About Us
The Mississauga Friendship Association (MFA) facilitates the twinning between Mississauga and Kariya, Japan. Twinned with Kariya since 1981, the MFA organizes homestay visits for both Kariya and Mississauga delegates as well as planning Kariya Kita High School visits to local attractions and schools. We also promote Japanese culture through events, socials and meetings.
Mississauga and Kariya, Japan were officially twinned July 7th, 1981. The declaration states that “it is our wish to promote goodwill between both our cities and to enhance the international awareness of our citizens through the exchange of cultural, educational and sporting activities”. In 1993 the Mississauga Friendship Association (MFA) was formed to help facilitate the twinning and in particular, the homestay program. Since the initial agreement, over 500 people have visited Mississauga strengthening our friendship and making the twinning one of the most successful in Canada.